Haunt of Jackals: The Conversation Continues

Last week when I blogged on Haunt of Jackals for the CSFF Blog Tour, I was hoping to stir up conversation. Well, thanks to everyone who jumped in with many different viewpoints, conversation has been stirred! In fact, Eric Wilson, the author of Haunt, was gracious enough to offer a response of his own. If you were intrigued by the posts or would like to read a great discussion on God and fiction, I encourage you to read all three days again with the comments.

I was hesitant to do a negative review at all, because as an author I know they can sting. So I’m very glad that others whose response to the book was positive have chimed in on the conversation. Take a look at what they have to say!

Here’s the posts:

Day 1: http://www.rachelstarrthomson.com/2009/10/haunt-of-jackals-csff-blog-tour/

Day 2: http://www.rachelstarrthomson.com/2009/10/a-review-haunt-of-jackals-day-2/

Day 3: http://www.rachelstarrthomson.com/2009/10/god-in-fiction-haunt-of-jackals-day-3/







One response to “Haunt of Jackals: The Conversation Continues”

  1. […] so good morning it is!) Today marks the start of the first CSFF Blog Tour I’ve done since Haunt of Jackals, and alas and alack, this tour has gone awry. Our Fearless Leader’s computer crashed after I […]

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