24-HOUR SALE: Load up your e-reader with fiction at half-off or more TODAY

Hey friends!

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! I had the privilege of being with family, including my nine tiny nieces and nephews (nine kids ages five and under, if you can imagine that). Good times, made even better by the underlying message of Christmas — that God has chosen to become our family, and to make us His. Incredible.

Just quickly: I’m running a 24-hour day-after-Christmas sale on some of my popular fiction series. From NOW until roughly noon tomorrow, you can take your pick of the following titles:

  • The Complete Oneness Cycle (5 books, BEST value): $7 (normally $24.95). Get it here: https://gumroad.com/l/WKrYx 
  • The Complete Seventh World Trilogy (3 books): $7 (normally $14.97): https://gumroad.com/l/ffwij 
  • The Complete Prophet Trilogy: $7 (normally $14.97): https://gumroad.com/l/rvGV 
  • Aaaand, available NOWHERE else, my unique fiction + devotional collection, 31 Days of Joy: A Devotional Journey in Fiction & Scripture .  This one is PDF-only, printable with journaling space if you want it. Normally $15; on sale today for $5: https://gumroad.com/l/YhCVu 

Unfortunately I don’t have cart capabilities, so you’ll have to make each purchase separately if you want more than one.  But it’s a pretty simple checkout process!

Oh, and if you want to buy for someone else (let Christmas keep on keeping on!), just use their email in the checkout process OR use your own and forward the receipt to them. They will be able to access the books that way.

Thanks! Enjoy!



P.S. After not budging for over five years, chances are very good my ebook prices will be going up this year. So this is a REALLY good time to grab any of these books that you don’t already have. 






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