New Matthew posts will return! (an update on the blog)

Hey friends!

Now that the Refiner’s Fire series-within-a-series is finished, you may have noticed a lull in my weekly Matthew posts. I am currently head-down working on my new novel, Seeds 2, but rest assured that new, regular Matthew posts will resume soon! Lord willing, I will be able to write and post new commentary later this fall.

In the meantime, I’ll be putting up a few reposts and excerpts from other books.

This blog is a significant time commitment and labor of love. To those who support me every month, making ANY of this possible: thank you thank you thank you. (If you don’t support, and you want to, here’s how.)

If all goes according to plan, there will be a second Matthew book coming this year too :).

Thanks again for your patience and all the love! You are the best!


Photo by fotografierende on Unsplash



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