Category: Quarantine Chronicles

  • I Am Not Enough (And That’s Just Fine)

    I Am Not Enough (And That’s Just Fine)

    Recently I heard someone talking about this incredible truth he had discovered, that “I am enough.” It’s a popular idea right now, especially among the quasi-Eastern mindfulness crowd. The idea is that we are enough, in ourselves; we have everything we need; we are all we need. On the surface, this seems like clear nonsense.…

  • The Identity of Holiness: You Are Set Apart for Such a Time as This

    The Identity of Holiness: You Are Set Apart for Such a Time as This

    Peter wrote to the early Christians: As obedient children, do not be conformed to the desires of your former ignorance. But as the One who called you is holy, you also are to be holy in all your conduct; for it is written, Be holy, because I am holy. (1 Peter 1:14-16, HCSB) Holiness is…

  • The Lord’s Prayer in a Time of Coronavirus

    The Lord’s Prayer in a Time of Coronavirus

    Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven! (Let there be healing, deliverance, and rescue. Let your presence be palpable in our midst. May you be exalted and lifted high. May we surrender to your working in every part of our…

  • Too Late, But Not Too Late

    Too Late, But Not Too Late

    Right now, in this strange time, we have an invitation before us that will never be before us again. It is the invitation to meet God NOW, in this moment in history. It’s our choice: we can seek God or not. We can ask for his perspective … or not. We can worship. Or not.…

  • Sitting with a World in Grief

    Sitting with a World in Grief

    When all of this began last month, I had about a week where I found it really hard to get my emotional equilibrium. I just didn’t know how to FEEL about what was happening. Maybe you can relate. One morning in prayer, I came to this: It’s like sitting with someone in grief. Or with…