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With a single word, Jesus Christ ushered His disciples into a new relationship with their Creator. With a single prayer, He opened a door into the heart of God and called men and women to walk through it. I
n this highly engaging and personal work, Rachel Starr Thomson takes readers on a journey through the most powerful prayer of all time–straight to the heart of the Father.

To download HEART TO HEART for Kindle (mobi format) click the link below:
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More instructions on how to do this can be found here:
For Devices using the Kindle app: http://www.amazon.com/gp/sendtokindle
For the Nook app: http://www.barkingrainpress.org/faqs/load-epub-nook/
For Kobo: http://www.ucg.org/help/how-add-ebook-epub-or-pdf-kobo-ereader/
If you have any questions, get in touch at thomson.rachel@gmail.com.