Writer Mentorship Program

About the Writer Mentorship Program

with best-selling author Rachel Starr Thomson

Writing has always been a lonely task. These days, the quickly changing landscape of publishing and marketing can also make it an overwhelming one. I’ve started my private Writer Mentorship Program to help provide community, encouragement, and personalized guidance — for everything from writing tactics to marketing tech.

I am a best-selling author of both fiction and nonfiction. I learned my way through this modern world of writing and publishing step by painstaking step, from rock bottom to full-time author. I’d love to help you on your journey as you seek to impact the world with your writing.

The group is currently accepting new members.

Who: Christian writers at all stages from beginning to published. Fiction, nonfiction, bloggers, independently and traditionally published. Membership is limited to 175 people at a time.

What: Personalized mentorship in the form of:

  • One Facebook Live video per week teaching on a topic related to writing, publishing, or marketing; AND answering questions submitted throughout the week.
  • Interaction in a private Facebook group with me and other members: answering questions, giving feedback, discussing topics of interest.
  • Access to videos and other resources on my website, including my complete Writer Marketing Framework.

When: Weekly

Where: In private Facebook group, with videos and other resources archived for immediate access at my website. (As of right now, the archived content alone is easily equivalent to a $1999 course on writing, publishing, and marketing.)

Price: $15 USD per week. Cancel anytime. No refunds are available; sorry about that.

Click “Subscribe” below to enroll in the program now.

When you click the button above, you’ll be registered for the membership group. I will personally email you with website and Facebook Group access as soon as my assistant or I approve your request. You can begin asking questions, joining in discussions, and accessing past training materials immediately.