There’s More

written after an airplane ride, summer 2010 …

I gazed out the airplane window at the storm gathering over the Arizona desert. Night was falling, and beneath the clouds, city lights shone out of the darkness. Above, the clouds were shining with amber sunlight. Lightning arced through the clouds, forking out over the city; it flashed across the upper formations, out of sight of the earth’s surface.

“I give rain out of my love,” God seemed to say. “And more. The beauty of this is out of my love too.”

But no one sees this, I thought. And most people aren’t thankful for rain.

“Does that matter? That is how I love. I give life, I give sunlight and energy, I give rain, I give food, I give laughter and opportunity whether people look or not; whether they’re grateful or not.”

I swallowed. God’s love, I know, is still more—more than rain, beauty, provision. God’s love is Jesus, coming to earth, walking, healing, and dying for people. And so many never thank Him for that either. So many never even acknowledge the gift.

“There’s more.” Of course there is. God’s love extends beyond life on earth, beyond forgiveness for sin to eternal life in His presence.

I pressed my face to the window and drank in the beauty of the storm. I heard the words “There’s more.” More love, more power, so much we can’t even see—yet.

I whispered, “I love you.” I want to love Him, now, forever—and more.






2 responses to “There’s More”

  1. Jane Avatar

    Thank you for sharing your quiet meditative thoughts from a plane. There are times when rain is welcomed,I’m sure but there is not the same welcome for God’s love or the understanding of it. He is there for us if we believe and rely on His Holy Spirit but it’s an uphill job to convey this to others.
    I can tell you have a hunger for God and know His love for you. I’ll look at the video when I have more time.
    God bless.

  2. Elisabeth Avatar

    Beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing …

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