CSFF Tour: Angel Eyes (Day 1)

The CSFF (Christian Science Fiction and Fantasy) Blog Tour is back! This month we’re featuringAngel Eyesby Shannon Dittemore, YA supernatural realism. Or young adult spiritual warfare fantasy. Or something like that :). Think Frank Peretti’s original “Darkness” novels reimagined, updated for today’s culture, and written for teens.

Review coming tomorrow. For now, here are the links for this month’s tour:

Book link: Angel Eyes at Amazon
Author Website: Shannon Dittemore
And on Facebook: Shannon Dittemore

Finally, you can find the tour participants for this month here:

Gillian Adams
Julie Bihn
Beckie Burnham
Theresa Dunlap
Nikole Hahn
Jeremy Harder
Jason Joyner
Carol Keen
Emileigh Latham
Shannon McDermott
Meagan @ Blooming with Books
Rebecca LuElla Miller
Anna Mittower
Faye Oygard
Nathan Reimer
Chawna Schroeder
Jessica Thomas
Rachel Starr Thomson
Steve Trower
Dona Watson
Shane Werlinger
Phyllis Wheeler






One response to “CSFF Tour: Angel Eyes (Day 1)”

  1. […] Books ? Anna Mittower Faye Oygard Nathan Reimer ? Chawna Schroeder ? ? Jessica Thomas ? Rachel Starr Thomson ? ? Steve Trower Dona Watson Shane Werlinger ? Phyllis Wheeler Rate […]

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