Every now and again a resource comes along that is so good it begs to be shared. This is one of them. (It also begs to be SUPPORTED; if you need somewhere to send money, this is a good kingdom investment.)
BiblicalTraining.org offers lectures, seminars, and entire courses on biblical topics, including theology, Greek, church history, ministry skills, textual criticism, book studies, worldview … explore the site a bit to see how extensive this is. We are talking seminary-level training from world-class professors from a variety of institutions and denominational backgrounds, and it’s provided for free.
(One reason I say this is worth supporting is that they’re helping train church workers all over the world, including in far-off places where it’s not easy to get to a Bible school.)
Personally, I’ve taken some of the Greek and history of the New Testament. You can access content as mp3s, video, and PDF resources.
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