No Matthew post this week because …

Rachel in the Hospital

… I unexpectedly spent the weekend in the hospital, and my assistant (who is also my cousin/best friend/house mate), who usually puts the posts up for me, pretty much spent every minute of the weekend there with me. She took that picture ^^. And also braided my hair so it wouldn’t get in my face and annoy me all weekend. Above and beyond, eh?

So between us we forgot to post it.

My series on the gospel of Matthew will recommence next week.

And if you’re wondering, I am fine. I have a fascinating medical history … I am basically healthy as a horse, but two years ago I suffered “sudden cardiac death” (that’s a real term) in a parking lot. Cause unknown. God provided a cardiac nurse in the parking lot at that very moment to start CPR, so thanks to her and my sister, who was with me and called 911, I am still here.

I’m also now the bionic woman, because I have an implanted defibrillator that is supposed to go off if my heart stops again.

It went off Friday morning, hence the hospital stay …

But doctors have determined it was what they call an “inappropriate shock,” given when the device got confused about my heart rate while I was jogging. They say my heart is fine and it actually doesn’t even qualify as a medical event really.

So now I’m out of the hospital, and very happy about it :).

I think a lot of things while I’m in the hospital. Two of the main things I think are: (1) We can make plans, but we can never actually control anything, and (2) There is so much to be grateful for in all the ordinary goodnesses of life.

Today I’m enjoying a lot of ordinary goodness. I pray the same is true for you.






4 responses to “No Matthew post this week because …”

  1. Katherine Avatar

    Goodness, Rachel! I thought it was some “technical difficulty” that delayed your post. Was checking in again, eager to read what you wrote . . . The photo loaded slowly beginning from the top . . . hospital equipment and someone’s head . . . it’s your face smiling . . . must be visiting someone . . . flowers . . . no one with you and it’s you in the bed. . . broken arm? more flowers . . . broken leg?? I do not know you personally—perhaps you are married (double last name), with that happy face perhaps you had a baby??? Wait, no, if you had you would be holding the baby, not flowers . . . I am confused with this visual oxymoron . . . c’mon . . . if you’re wondering . . . what in the world? . . . a medical non-event?! It took a moment to process the “diagnosis,” but whew! Yes, indeed, all is well with you. And good to know you are not only brilliant and blessed, but bionic too. Gee, no wonder you have two r’s in Starr!!

    1. Rachel Avatar

      Ha, well, it sort of was. Just not with my blog ;).

  2. JEA Avatar

    Wow, Rachel, this sounds so scary … but you sound so grateful and hopeful. I’m glad you’re okay. Take care of yourself and God bless!<3

    1. Rachel Avatar

      Thanks, girl! I’m resting up and yes … I am very grateful and full of hope :).

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