Category: CSFF Blog Tour
More About D. Barkley Briggs and Genre Expectations
So, I really spaced on the last CSFF Tour–totally forgot to write/post a third entry. This had nothing to do with the quality of the book and everything to do with me being in the midst of traveling. We were featuring D. Barkley Briggs’s Corus the Champion, which was a really great read. My one…
Review: Corus the Champion (CSFF Tour, Day 2)
The Barlow brothers are not the first to cross between Earth and Karac Tor, two of the Creator’s Nine Worlds. But the crossing has positioned the boys, each of whom possesses a significant gift, to influence the future of the Hidden Lands. Hadyn, who has discovered the power in names; Ewan, whose music weaves magic…
CSFF Tour: Corus the Champion (Day 1)
European mythology, great writing, deep spirituality, and an exciting (if familiar) story: this month’s book tour is for Corus the Champion, Book 2 of the Legends of Karac Tor series by D. Barkley Briggs. The series has been a long time coming to print after the original publisher dropped it, but it is finally here,…
Review of Lawhead’s “The Bone House”
In The Bone House, Book 2 of the Bright Empires series, the race to recover the fabled Skin Map — once tattooed on the torso of the greatest traveler the multiverse has ever known, and rumoured to contain the greatest secret of all — is still on. Kit and Giles have escaped from the disease-ridden…
Whens and Wheres, According to Stephen Lawhead (CSFF Tour, Day 3)
A word of explanation is in order: you may have noticed that “Day 2” of this tour got skipped (for the first time ever, I’d like to point out). The sad fact is that my copy of the book arrived really, really late, and by the time it got here, it collided head-on with an…
CSFF Tour: The Bone House (Day 1)
The Christian Science Fiction & Fantasy Blog Tour is touring again! This month the featured title is The Bone House, Book 2 of the Bright Empires series. My review of the first book, The Skin Map, can be found here. Bright Empires is a many-layered story exploring the idea of “ley travel,” a way of…
The Monster in the Hollows: A Review (Day 3)
On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness is a whimsical adventure tale, funny, scary, inhabited by Fangs of Dang, crazy sock men, and genuine recipes for maggotloaf. North! Or Be Eaten, Book 2 of The Wingfeather Saga, is the classic journey story: a book of creatures, encounters, fascinating locales, and of course, coming…
CSFF Tour: The Monster in the Hollows (Day 1)
I promise that by Wednesday, I will actually write a review of The Monster in the Hollows. Getting this far has been a journey, let me tell you. First, there have been other Wingfeather Saga tours, which I always missed. I’m not sure why, but I did. Then there were all the glowing reviews, the…
Interview with Jeffrey Overstreet (CSFF Tour, Day 3)
“It’s too late . . . I’ve come this far, and I’m not giving up now. Beauty is leading us home.” “You may find nothing at all. Or else a tyrant who takes away your freedom.” “And I may find the freedom to choose what is best and go on choosing it. All the time.…
The Ale Boy’s Feast: My Review (CSFF Tour Day 2)
He tightened his picker-staff grip, desire rotting into resentment. Most creatures of the ground had vanished from the Expanse, caught by the underground menace or fleeing its clutches. Krawg had pursued that rusty-hinge chirp, compelled by hunger and, even more, by a longing to see feathers lift a mystery into the air, to hear a…