Category: 1:11 Ministries

  • Too Late, But Not Too Late

    Too Late, But Not Too Late

    Right now, in this strange time, we have an invitation before us that will never be before us again. It is the invitation to meet God NOW, in this moment in history. It’s our choice: we can seek God or not. We can ask for his perspective … or not. We can worship. Or not.…

  • A Very Special Request

    A Very Special Request

    Note: Refiner’s Fire will be back soon. I’m currently hunkered down researching some of the history pieces for it; the next section will be posted here soon. In the meantime, I have a special request … If you’re reading this, chances are you know me primarily as an author or blogger. But since 2007, I…

  • We Learn to Love By Looking: How Seeing Jesus Helps Us Love God

    Note from Rachel: With Christmas around the corner, I’ve just come off a tour with 1:11 Ministries and find myself mulling some of the themes of that tour. This week’s post is a brief break from the Gospel of Matthew in order to focus on the “reason for the season.” For God who said, “Let…

  • It’s a World Full of Real Danger. Here’s Why That’s Irrelevant.

    Excerpt from Fearless: Free in Christ in an Age of Anxiety by Rachel Starr Thomson, Carolyn Currey, and Mercy Hope. Read another excerpt here. When Moses chose twelve spies to go and scout out the land, they came back with an “evil report”: There were giants in the land. Evil is an appropriate word. In English, the…

  • Choosing a Higher Fear: How You Can Live Free from Fear’s Control

    Excerpt from Fearless: Free in Christ in an Age of Anxiety by Rachel Starr Thomson, Carolyn Currey, and Mercy Hope When we say that you can live fearless, what comes to mind? There’s a good chance you picture a daredevil, an adrenaline junkie scaling cliffs or jumping off skyscrapers with the slogan “YOLO” emblazoned on his back.…

  • Rooted in the Word

    Taking a small break from the Matthew series today to post a message I shared at my church two weeks ago. Possibly THE most important thing we can do as disciples of Jesus is learn to root ourselves in the Word through study and meditation. In this message, I talk about meditation and practical ways…

  • What Does Art Have to Do with Being a Christian?

    This is the outline for a talk I gave yesterday with my 1:11 Ministries team at an Art-Life Workshop hosted by HillCity Church in Abbotsford, BC. I promised to post it here for the attendees and wanted to make it available to my other readers as well. Be blessed!   So before I get started,…

  • Kyrie

    The free-form poem “Kyrie” functioned as the script for a 1:11 production of the same name. It will be included in the upcoming book PIECES OF GRACE, a compilation of poems, short stories, and devotional narratives to be released in 2016. And God said, Of every tree in the garden you may eat, but of…

  • How Far Will Love Go?

      Along with other members of the 1:11 ministry team, I had the privilege of sharing at my home church for Good Friday. Below are some of the thoughts I shared and the music we used. It happened over three thousand years ago, and we’re still telling the story today. Three thousand years ago, life…

  • A Celtic Prayer: The Complete Production

    If you wished you could see what we were doing in the Maritimes … Now you can! Soli Deo Gloria Ballet toured our twenty-minute piece “A Celtic Prayer” in New Brunswick, Novia Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. Our hosts in New Minas, Nova Scotia, filmed it and posted it on YouTube. (I’m the tall one…