Find yourself in a better story
Looking to the Future Again (Refiner’s Fire, Pt 12)
NOTE: “Refiner’s Fire” is a mini-series within my overall series on the gospel of Matthew. It deals with the story of John the Baptist as a vehicle for navigating our own struggles with doubt, disappointment, and crisis of faith. I’m working on it daily and will release the whole thing as a book once it’s…
What John Believed: Jubilee, Suffering, and Seventy Weeks (Refiner’s Fire, Pt 11)
NOTE: “Refiner’s Fire” is a mini-series within my overall series on the gospel of Matthew. It deals with the story of John the Baptist as a vehicle for navigating our own struggles with doubt, disappointment, and crisis of faith. I’m working on it daily and will release the whole thing as a book once it’s…
What John Believed: The Apocalypse of Daniel (Refiner’s Fire, Pt 10)
NOTE: “Refiner’s Fire” is a mini-series within my overall series on the gospel of Matthew. It deals with the story of John the Baptist as a vehicle for navigating our own struggles with doubt, disappointment, and crisis of faith. I’m working on it daily and will release the whole thing as a book once it’s…
What John Believed: Messiah, Son of David (Refiner’s Fire Pt 9)
NOTE: “Refiner’s Fire” is a mini-series within my overall series on the gospel of Matthew. It deals with the story of John the Baptist as a vehicle for navigating our own struggles with doubt, disappointment, and crisis of faith. I’m working on it daily and will release the whole thing as a book once it’s…
What John Believed: The Return of the King (Refiner’s Fire Pt 8)
NOTE: “Refiner’s Fire” is a mini-series within my overall series on the gospel of Matthew. It deals with the story of John the Baptist as a vehicle for navigating our own struggles with doubt, disappointment, and crisis of faith. I’m working on it daily and will release the whole thing as a book once it’s…
24-HOUR SALE: Load up your e-reader with fiction at half-off or more TODAY
Hey friends! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! I had the privilege of being with family, including my nine tiny nieces and nephews (nine kids ages five and under, if you can imagine that). Good times, made even better by the underlying message of Christmas — that God has chosen to become our…
A Christmas Letter
Almighty God, I don’t understand. What are You doing in a child’s body? Why are You putting Yourself in a dirty stable on a cold night? Why are You entrusting Your beautiful Son to the care of two confused and vulnerable human beings? The angels are singing tonight: the King has come! The Mighty God,…
I Remember Christmas
Note: Refiner’s Fire will return in January 2020. In the meantime, I hope you’ll enjoy this reflection from my book Now for the Not-Yet: And Other Essays on Everyday Discipleship When I was small we lived in a northern part of Ontario, in Canada, and up there the snow falls early and thick on cold, clear nights…
My New Book Is Out: Read the First 3+ Chapters for Free
It’s been a privilege and a joy for me to release my new book this week. (A HUGE thank you to everyone who has grabbed a copy thus far!) As the first in a series of “narrative commentaries” on the gospel of Matthew, this book has been more than four years in the making. It…
WDJD?: How Jesus Walked His Talk, and Why What He DID Matters
Note: Refiner’s Fire will return in January 2020. In the meantime, I hope you’ll enjoy this reflection from my book Still Praying in the Wilderness and Other Essays for the Spiritually Thirsty. My old journals line my top shelf, crammed in next to each other, a mishmash of colours and styles. Hardbound books, cheap scratch pads, date…
Got any book recommendations?